Physical Therapy

Our Physical Therapists will provide you or your loved ones with essential rehabilitative care at home. We are certain that with proper support and guidance you can recover much faster and earlier. The Physical Therapy include but are not limited to: * Assessment and evaluation of health conditions * Restoring of Physical Mobility * Restoring of Sensory functions * Re-education of basic living Skills * Restoring Muscle Control * Restoring Balance

Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapists will assist you in recovering or maintaining your daily living and work skills. The skills of our OTs are well-sharpened so they can help you during your recovery following a recent surgery or an accident that caused your injury. Here are some of the areas that our OTs service may include: * Physical rehabilitation * Mental Health Services * Learning Disability * Primary Care * Environmental Adaptation * Care Management * Exercise Program * Pain Management * Mobility Equipment for Daily Living

Speech Therapy

Our team includes extensively experienced staffs that will handle your hearing deficiency, communication deficiency, and other speech-related disorders. With the help of our Speech Therapists one can be assured that after the treatment has been provided he can already communicate with others better. The goal is to enhance or restore the client’s communication skills as much as possible through treatment. Our services include but are not limited to: * Oral and Written Exercises * Hearing Rehabilitation * Eating and Swallowing Strategies * Speech Articulation Exercise * Patient Education